So you’ve probably spent the last week staring at your left hand 80% of the time, right? And the other 20%, you’ve been day dreaming of what your wedding day will look like, who your bridesmaids will be, where you’ll honeymoon, how you’ll wear your hair, okay you get the point…
Congrats! Such a special time & life milestone! Soak up the excitement, all the good vibes, and emotions! Before you get carried away with all the pretty things (read: Pinterest) and thinking about what to do next, let’s make sure you can check off some boxes on your brand spankin’ new to-do list. A few things you’ve probably already done or if you haven’t, stop here & go take care of these tasks first!
All set ? Let’s move on to the more “serious” stuff. But nothing is all that serious; planning your wedding should be fun with only a few peaks of stress. Promise.
"To The Nines? I don't get it..." So I heard this here & there when I finally landed on a name for this lovely little LLC of mine. Some were perplexed and didn't understand the meaning behind it. Well, I gave it right back to them and said, "Wait you've never heard the phrase 'to the nines'? Like all done up? Not ringing a bell?" I quickly realized it is not a widely used idiom like I thought it was in my world. Even better. I love being different. I thought I would take a minute since you might be sitting there scratching your head and give you the dish.
Quick history 101 lesson: 1. One theory (and probably the most popular) is that the 99th Wiltshire Regiment, known as The Nines, was renowned for its smart and sharp appearance. Other Regiments in that day & age aspired to be like "the nines." 2. Another theory has it that tailors used nine yards of material to make a suit (or, according to some sources, a shirt). The more material you had, the more praise you received, although nine yards seems like a lot for a top. 3. The "whole nine yards" is a colloquial phrase meaning "everything, the whole lot" or when used as an adjective, "all the way." This is also said to be tied to "to the nines," meaning to perfection. There we have it. You learn something new every day , right? When I toss the term into a sentence, it's typically as an adjective, explaining an appearance or event as "to the nines." I chose this as my company's name because I want to instill the notion that any occasion we work on will be extraordinary & your version of perfection. I wanted to set the expectation before you even landed on my Instagram or website. Did you know what "to the nines" meant ? What's an idiom you use on the regular? |
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